Drive-In Movie Theaters in New Mexico | Drive-In Movie Theaters in NM

Please enjoy our list of drive-in theaters in New Mexico

Fiesta Drive-In

fiesta-nmThe Fiesta Drive-In is open Thursdays through Sundays in the summer months, and shows first-run movies on three screens. There are sometimes double features. Originally built in 1948, the drive-in was closed for many years before re-opening in 1990.

Location: 401 Fiesta Dr., Carlsbad NM (off of San Jose Road)
Telephone: 575-885-4126
Ticket Prices: Adults 13+ $8, children 5-12 $5, seniors 55+ $5, children 4 and under are free.

Fort Union Drive-In

fort unionThe Fort Union Drive-In is a solo screen showing double features, weekends only, May through September. A recent campaign to raise funds in order to purchase a digital projector was successful, allowing the drive-in to remain open in the years to come.

Location: 3300 7th Street (off Hwy.3), Las Vegas (San Miguel County) NM
Telephone: 505-425-9934
Ticket Prices: $7 per car
Showtimes: call